#0082 (24 pics) published by k1000 on 02/08/09
#0081 (24 pics) published by k1000 on 13/07/09
#0080 (24 pics) published by k1000 on 28/06/09
or see all updates
This website does not promote nor encourage any form of vandalism. It was created to
be a witness of an artistic culture growing up in Belgium. Its authors are absolutely
not responsible for the damages caused by the represented acts. Pictures are sent
anonymously, or taken legally by the BelgianGraffiti.org team members.
We recall that defacing private or public property is severely punished by the belgian law,
and can lead authors of such degradations to huge fines or even jail sentences...
This website was implemented by k1000 during February 2005, but the team is composed of a few graffiti-addicts. It was built with php & mysql and is fully XHTML1.0 STRICT and CSS compliant.
You can send your pictures to pics [AT] belgiangraffiti [DOT] org.
We sort the pictures before updating the site. As our webspace and bandwidth are limited
and cost money, we try to preserve a certain level of quality, in what concerns the pictures
and the pieces on it, so please don't be angry if your pictures aren't publish
on the website...
The BelgianGraffiti.org team